Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dear Fax Sender


To: The person or automated machine who keeps faxing my home telephone

From: A tired writer

You are trying to send a fax to a private telephone number.

While your fax has a lovely screeching sound, rather like a screech owl, I would prefer not to have my sleep interrupted by it.

Once may have been a quirky mistake.

Twice was annoying.

After the fifth misdirected fax at 1:30 am, I am beginning to become a bit grouchy.

I leave you with this haiku.

a fax gone astray

useless midnight screech in ear --

please stop faxing me

A bit of inspiration for writers

A bit of inspiration for writers...

...which I stole from a link on jetreidliterary. :-)

Brain Radio

"Brain radio" is a term invented by Kelly Fineman referring to the soundtrack playing inside your head, even when there is no music playing outside your head.

Some people would think this is a rather cool accessory to one's brain.

Those people would be wrong. They probably don't know what a curse it can be.

The worst time for me is the pre-winter-holiday season, when you can't go anywhere without hearing Christmas carols. All. Day. Long.

People without Brain Radio can have blissful silence inside their heads once they've left the mall or wherever the music was playing.

For me, the music plays on...and on...and on...until I play something else on the radio.

I'm especially susceptible to Brain Radio when I'm reading a musical biography. Usually this is okay, for a while. But then I hear the music when I'm trying to fall asleep, and when I get up, and all day long, unless I play something else to drown it out.

Right now I'm reading a YA SF novel with a title that is taken from a famous rock song. 

Although I'm enjoying the book, I have to read something else for a while to get the song out of my head.

I'm sure you can guess the title, too.


The Owl Box

The Owl Box

Webcam of Molly and McGhee, the barn own family.