Sunday, December 22, 2024

Happy Pre-Spring*!

Other people may call it Winter. However I have renamed the seasons to accommodate my dislike for cold weather and snow and my love for mild temperatures and budding flowers.

Pre-Spring is the season which begins on December 21. Sure, there are some holidays in there. But wouldn't it be easier to go shopping for presents and attend parties when you don't have to worry about falling on a patch of hidden ice?

It is followed by Early Spring, which comprises the days between March 1 and March 20.

Spring, the most glorious season, is next, from March 21 to June 20.   

Summer lasts from June 21 to September 20.

Fall follows, between September 21 to the beginning of Pre-Spring.

Don't mind me. I think I'll look at photos of tulips and remember that today, December 22, is when the days start to get longer.


  1. May this pre-spring bring forth many tulips that will sprout from the joyous parts of your heart <3

    1. Sending you a virtual bouquet of parrot tulips, Mirka! Happy Hannukah & pre-spring!

  2. You're so funny! You should move to the Southern US. Sending you some Carolina sunshine to keep you warm for a Happy Hannukah!

    1. :-) Merry Christmas (and other wonderful blessings for you and your family in December!) We used to escape Pre-Spring by going to California for a few weeks.


Give a hoot.